
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

In the Kitchen: Hot Fudge Spoon Cake

Last week my new cookbook from from the Real Farmwives of America partnership with Gooseberry Patch arrived!

To recap in case you missed it, Gooseberry Patch has generously provided me with two copies of this cookbook. I'll be cooking 10 recipes, then giving away a copy of the cookbook to a lucky reader!

If you know me, it won't surprise you that the first section of the cookbook I honed in on was the desserts. "Ooey-Gooey Desserts" is what the chapter is actually called. And the Hot Fudge Spoon Cake started screaming my name. Loudly. It's a chocolate thing.

The cake was simple and delicious! Here's the recipe:

(Please forgive my picture quality—I didn't have my camera with me and was forced to resort to using my phone's camera)

Isn't my little crockpot cute? Love the red—plus it was only $4 on Black Friday 2 years ago! It's a medium-sized crock pot. I have two large ones as well, but I always try to use the smallest one I can because I seem to get better results that way.

Here are your ingredients:

Mix together 1 cup each of flour and brown sugar, 3 tablespoons of cocoa, 2 teaspoons of backing powder, and 1/4 teaspoon salt in a medium bowl. Then add 1/2 cup milk, 2 tablespoons of melted butter,  and 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla. No eggs, so theoretically, the batter is safe to eat. Just saying.

Add it to your crock pot and make sure it's evenly spread out across the bottom.

Next, mix together 3/4 cup brown sugar and 1/4 cup cocoa in a small bowl. Sprinkle evenly across the top of your cake batter.

Then, add 1-3/4 cup hot water poured directly over top. Don't stir.

That's it! Put the lid on your crock pot, turn it to high and wait 2 hours. Here's what you get:

Spoon it into some bowls, top with a little vanilla ice cream and your set for chocolate bliss.


  1. Yummy! I've always been tempted to make a recipe like this and now I'll definitely try it out.

  2. I may have to try that We like moist cakes

  3. Two questions... What size crock pot is recommended for this recipe? and 1/4 cup salt seems like a lot, I was wondering what would happen if less is used...although I am assuming there is a "science" behind this amount, maybe someone can help with this one. I am definately going to make this! I also may play with it and try to come up with a carmel version... esp choc cake with a carmel sauce... YUM.

  4. Yum!! I have been looking for crock pot recipes!! Can't wait to see what else you make!! Funny crock pot story... I put a roast and veggies in the crock pot Monday night so I could pop it in Tues morning... got home Tuesday night and realized I never got it out of the fridge... hehe!!

  5. yeeeha! that looks crazy good!!

  6. Now you're talking my language - chocolate and a crock pot! Bliss!

  7. To Cindy above: it says "1/4 TEASPOON salt" instead of 1/4 cup!

  8. Yummylicious! I found a few I will be trying. Thank you :)

  9. Dropped by to let you know I made this cake and it is delicious! We LOVED the fudgy pudding that formed on the bottom. Definitely a winner.

  10. You picked a perfect dessert! Thank you for sharing!

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