
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Mini Cheesecakes

If you're like me, you're always on the hunt for some fabulous little recipe that will miraculously cut your time in the kitchen (especially around the holidays) but still leave you looking like a master chef. I have found it!

 This is so quick and easy...and to top things off, it only uses 5 ingredients—and 3 of those ingredients contain chocolate! Are you hooked yet?

Start off with a brick of cream cheese and a tub of Cool Whip—your only non-chocolate ingredients! Cream those together in the blender, then add the magic: one packet of Dove Chocolate Discoveries' Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Smoothie mix.

Here's what you'll end up with:

You can't see them real well because they are coated with the cream cheese mix and slightly pulverized by my mixer, but there are real Dove Chocolate baking bits in there! At this point, you can but it in a graham cracker or Oreo pie crust. But since I like small desserts at the holidays (especially when the family gets together so I can sample a little of ALL the different goodies), I broke out the big guns:

Available exclusively through Dove Chocolate Discoveries

Think Reese's cup wrapper made out of Dove dark chocolate. Just load up a pastry bag with your cream cheese mixture and pipe it directly into the cups...

Things were looking pretty delicious at this point, but I decided to up the ante again with these bad boys:

Available exclusively through Dove Chocolate Discoveries
 Remember those Rocky Road Brownies I made as part of the virtual cookie exchange hosted by the Real Farmwives of America? I ramped them up a notch with mint-filled baking bits—these peanut butter-filled baking bits are their alter-ego twin.

I popped 3 or so on top of each mini cheesecake for a garnish and bam! Dessert is served!

I hope you enjoy these little wonders. And while you're here, don't forget to stop by and register to win the FREE Gooseberry Patch Slow Cooker Recipes cookbook I'm giving away this week!


  1. I still have my mousse cups and a box of the PB smoothie mix! Totally going to make these!


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